My beauty routine to fight the cold

When it's cold your skin has to overcome a number of challenges: changes in temperature, wind, snow, friction from clothing... it is vulnerable. The cold attacks it by directly attacking the protective barrier of the epidermis: the hydrolipidic film. It feels tight, tingly and becomes dry, so it is important to take great care of it.

To help you beat the cold, we have put together a special “very cold” tailor-made routine for you.

1. Don’t skip makeup removal

The make-up removal box is the starting point for protecting and preserving your skin. Yes yes, it’s promised! So, don't forget this essential step. Removing makeup and cleansing your skin helps eliminate impurities accumulated throughout the day and, thus, the hydrolipidic film is not altered . Otherwise, the pores become clogged and the skin no longer breathes. This is why it is advisable to clean your pretty face morning and evening, whether you are wearing makeup... or not! When the cold hits, we opt for “gentle” makeup removers , which will not attack the skin. Therefore, choose a cleansing oil or milk, richer and nourishing for the skin than a classic makeup remover.

However, we are not abandoning our facial scrub. However, its use is limited to once a week, to avoid weakening the epidermis.

Tips: Hard water also attacks the skin. Don't hesitate to spray a few spritzes of water spray on your face to remove the last residue of limescale after cleansing!

2. We double the hydration of our skin

Dry, irritated skin, tightness, redness: these are the effects of cold on the face. So, to give it a boost, adopt good hydration habits now! In the morning, opt forintensely rich , ultra-hydrating creams with a cocooning texture, even if you have combination to oily skin. In the evening, apply a night treatment or succumb to the “sleeping mask” trend to nourish and restore suppleness and radiance to your skin. The must: for in-depth action, massage in circular movements for better penetration of the active ingredients. Your skin will thank you!

Tips: For an extra dose of hydration, apply a mask 2 to 3 times a week to soothe and deeply nourish your skin.

3. Don't forget your hands!

The face is not alone in facing external attacks. Hands are often neglected even though they also really need to be hydrated. Constantly in demand, they are even the first to suffer from negative temperatures. With the cold, the natural barrier of the epidermis further deteriorates, it dries out and the small capillaries contract, causing tightness and cracking . It is therefore essential to pamper your handcuffs regularly throughout the day. Beyond daily comfort, hydrating your hands also boosts cell regeneration and protects them.

And above all... don't forget to put on gloves before going out!

4. We don’t neglect our body

To warm up, we tend to relax in a good invigorating bath/shower. However, hot water attacks the protective layers of the epidermis and has the opposite effect: the skin dries out. To avoid this, choose a “gentle” cleansing product , based on glycerin, to protect it and hydrate it further. Don't hesitate to perform a body scrub in the shower once a week to remove dead skin, to allow better penetration of your favorite body lotion, for maximum hydration!

Tips: Because the hair is also sensitized (rubbing of the cap, the scarf which makes it brittle, dry and flattened), we rely on nutritious treatments to restore its strength and shine . Pre-shampoo oil, nourishing mask, length and ends treatment, will be your allies to combat hair dehydration! Finally, we remember to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day, an essential step to maintain beautiful skin, whatever the season.

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